Bus 3 will not run the morning route.
almost 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Buddy Reading! What a great program to help mentor our younger students in reading. Look at those t-shirts! Thank you MidRivers! #GPSPride #GPSCommunity #GoDinos #BeDinomite
almost 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
2 students buddy reading at LES
A Dinomite shout out to all our parents who joined us for conferences yesterday afternoon/evening. Our impact is so much stronger when we're working together. Thank you! #ittakesacommunity #JeffersonDinomites #teachersupport #parentsupport
almost 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
Tony Hsieh
Buses will not be running tomorrow morning because of the snow. As with any situation, the safety of our students is the utmost importance. If a bus happened to get stuck, we do not want to have students standing outside waiting at their bus stops in the cold temperatures. Buses will be running tomorrow afternoon, as we feel the buses will be able to maneuver better by then. As with any situation like this, if you feel it is not safe to get your kids to school, please call the school and let them know. We feel it is important for parents to have a choice and make the final decision for their student. Please know that these decisions are not made lightly as we know these situations can be an extreme inconvenience for many families. Thank you for your understanding in this difficult matter. Again, buses will not be running tomorrow morning but will be running in the afternoon. We will also be continuing our early release schedule in each school with parent-teacher conferences from 2:00 - 8:00 pm. Thank you!
almost 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Video Message from Superintendent Schreibeis about Social Media and a new Momo challenge that just hit Montana. Facebook Message: https://goo.gl/hmFAYG
about 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Feeling nostalgic about building tunnels and forts out of snow? Reminder: next Monday, February 18th, JES will run an early out schedule, dismissing students at 12:50. We will then host conferences from 2-8 #JeffersonDinomites #ittakesacommunity #PTConferences #GPSpride
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
Snow tunnel
Snow tunnel II
Snow Fort Building
Buses will not be running this morning because of the extreme cold temperatures. As with any situation, the safety of our students is the utmost importance. We do not want our students standing outside in these extreme cold situations. Buses will be running this afternoon as the temperatures are supposed to warm up by then. As with any situation like this, if you feel it is not safe to get your kids to school, please call the school and let them know. We feel it is important for parents to have a choice and make the final decision for their student. Please know that these decisions are not made lightly as we know these situations can cause extreme inconvenience for many families. Thank you for your understanding in this difficult matter. Again, buses will not be running this morning because of the extreme cold. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Just a reminder that we are having a community forum tonight at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. We would love to have as many people there as possible. This meeting is so important for the direction of Glendive Public Schools moving forward. Your input is vital for the success of our school district. Please come join us to help GPS take a great step forward in our road to excellence. We hope to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Stephen Schreibeis
Public Forum Flyer for 6:30 meeting on 2/6/19
Important health information from the Dawson County Health Department.
about 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
When to keep your child home from school chart
Please come join us tonight!
about 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Community Forum Flyer for 6:30 pm meeting in DCHS Cafeteria
Just a reminder that we are having a community forum tonight at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. We would love to have as many people there as possible. This meeting is so important for the direction of Glendive Public Schools moving forward. Your input is vital for the success of our school district. Please come join us to help GPS take a great step forward in our road to excellence. We hope to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Stephen Schreibeis
Come join us for a community forum on Wednesday, Feb 6th at 6:30 pm in the DCHS Cafeteria. We want your input on: 1) our community's educational needs 2) what our future and vision looks like 3) determining goals and aspirations of Glendive residents.
about 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Community Meeting Flyer
The 100th day is a perfect time to dress like a centenarian #JeffersonDinomites #GPSpride #elementarycentenarian #what'sthesecret?
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
100th Day
100th Day
Reminder! When the temperature falls below zero, we stay inside for recess, including morning drop off. If you see the cold weather bear in the window (pictured below), please make sure to send your kids inside when dropping them off. #JeffersonDinomites #staywarm
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
Cold Weather Bear
Today is a perfect day to get back into it! Time to put in that work! Time to be a learn! Time to pick a challenge and face it. Let's do this Jefferson! #JeffersonDinomites #GPSpride #hardwork #learning
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
Will Smith
Great parenting site: https://parentingmontana.org
about 6 years ago, Glendive Public Schools
Yesterday we recognized the hard work of many #JeffersonDinomites on reaching their reading goals. #Read #Reading #elementaryschool Thank you, Stockman Bank for supporting our kids as they develop this crucial skill #ittakesacommunity #GPSpride #GPScommunity
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
Reading Assembly
When the #GlendivePublicSchools principals and superintendent join in on the indoor recess activities on a cold winter day #JeffersonDinomites #ittakesacommunity #coldday #stayactive #gettingfit #schoolfitness #actuallywindedthough
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
Dance off
What's your word? #Try #Persevere #Balance My word is #Resilience #JeffersonDinomites #firstgrade #publicschool #GPSpride
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut
What's your word?
#MartinLutherKingJrday #Respect #JeffersonDinomites #GPSPride #GPSCommunity #stickwithlove
about 6 years ago, Jordan Viegut